torsdag 24 mars 2011

Looptroop Rockers get serious!

Rassarna rasar mot Looptroops nya video till låten On Repeat. Låten/texten är en reaktion på Sverigedemokraternas "lyckade" (framgångrika) val. ÄNTLIGEN lite musikgodis!!!!!!! Respekt till dom som VÅGAR uttrycka sin politiska åsikt.

Taget ur texten:
“9/19 what a day of shame for, the most enlightened country or you say so…”

"Following the latest election in Sweden (September 19) we wrote, and recorded this song – responding to a racist party being voted in to the Swedish parliament in particular, and to the extreme right wing winds blowing over European and world politics in general. The feelings of frustration and anger had to be channeled some way, and the very day after the election we met in the Wax Cabinet studio to voice our opinion about history repeating itself, and Sweden being an even colder country this fall…"

Jag säger bara en sak, Looptroop är tillbaka, bättre än någonsin!

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